May 1, 2016
As we all know, people generally start planning for their taxes from the month of January and carry it on till March, which is not a healthy practice. There are numerous options through which the government allows the citizens to save tax. But, people often wait for the last moment to plan their taxes and often end up missing the train. CCI has taken up an initiative to make people aware of the various tax saving investment options available in mutual funds.
The motive of the meet held at Hotel Meenakshi, Hiran Magri, Udaipur on 30th April was to bring awareness among the clients to take up SIPs for investing in any of the schemes eligible for tax-rebate. A proper planning would allow the investors to reap maximum profit from the invested sum. During the session Mr. Vinod Agrawal presided over the meeting telling the clients to follow a process for tax saving through the whole year and not in the last months only. He told people about various schemes like ELSS, RGESS, etc. along with their feature. The clients were elated from the insights they got through the seminar and openly discussed their doubts. Thus, the purpose of the meet was truly met